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Body Treatments 

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(Kusum Modak Method)


AYM is an alternation of deep tissue massage, breathing exercise and a series of therapeutic stretches covering all regions of the body, using oils and Ayurvedic herbs to promote circulation, detoxification and healing.


The treatment combine ancient art of body massage and Yoga, with therapeutic properties of Ayurvedic plants and power of touch to provide instant benefit on psychological, physical and energy level.



“AYM is what allowed me to deliver instant wellbeing to my clients, after a consultation, or on its own.

I’ve found that people suddenly re-discover vitality and alignment, that give them the motivation to change them lifestyle, and to join life and its flow again.

It gives me a deep opportunity to go back to pure love and life source, get out from rationale thinking and everyday busy routine and challenges, and enter a meditative like state where powerful healing can happen.

The Ayurvedic Yoga Massage technique is an ancient powerful art, that through deep tissue massage, stretches, breathing and herbal powders to promote circulation and flow, reminds our cells nature connection and life.

Is a way to find and re-discover your flexibility and possibilities, get rid of the tensions and blockages to make space for new things and flow.

Breath in all your power an vitality, re-find your strength and dimension.”




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